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Landscape design of outdoor spaces: 

feasibility study, competition, parallel study mandates

Concept of operation and design

General project coordination with administrations (requirements, charters, deadlines, follow-up)

Establishment of the survey of outdoor facilities

Drafting of calls for tenders and submissions

Development of building access solutions

Development of maintenance books

 Support for infrastructure

projects in the landscape 

Survey of existing plants

Integration of equipment

(parking, waste containers, playgrounds, bus shelter)

Cost assessment and control

Site management and monitoring

 Expertise, advice, jury 

Organization of participatory approaches

Services paysage - architecture - urbani


 How to optimize the maintenance of your green spaces?

Regular maintenance of landscape achievements is important, in both the short and long terms, in order to maintain the intentions and the quality of a project in a sustainable manner over the years. Indeed, it is important to ensure that the completed project develops under the best conditions and takes into account new practices that are more favorable to the environment. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. It is with this in mind that we are offering our maintenance management offer, in accordance with phase 4.2.61 (Operation - Maintenance) of the SIA 105 standard and inspired by the principles of differentiated maintenance: "intervene as little as possible. possible, but as often as necessary ”.

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It is with this in mind that we are offering our maintenance management offer, in accordance with phase 4.2.61 (Operation - Maintenance) of the SIA 105 standard and inspired by the principles of differentiated maintenance: "intervene as little as possible. possible, but as often as necessary ”.


Through this service, we offer:

  • The development of a detailed tailor-made maintenance booklet , accompanying your project and its development for a cycle of 5 years or more

  • The production and supervision of a call for tenders from companies for the maintenance of outdoor facilities

  • Monitoring of the services performed, quotes and invoices, as well as the evolutionary adaptation of the necessary interventions year by year

The interest in having clear and detailed maintenance instructions is in line with environmental concerns at cantonal and federal levels, which now bring new priorities focused on ecological enrichment of urban and landscape contexts.

This service therefore provides many benefits, including documented support for the transition of practices for companies and services related to the maintenance of green spaces.


Our maintenance books are accompanied by "maintenance sheets" detailing the ecological issues and the means required for each intervention by type of vegetation. This information and awareness framework enables teams to maintain green spaces over the long term, constantly and independently of personnel changes.



A participatory approach is a process of voluntary exchange between the municipal political authority on the one hand and interested members of civil society (citizens, inhabitants, users, neighbors, associations, etc.) on the other. Participatory urban planning is therefore an approach with great potential to transform the city and its neighborhoods with citizens, but it must still be well planned to ensure its success!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Citizen participation is placed at the heart of the approach proposed by FORSTER-PAYSAGE to create more human and sustainable living environments that meet the needs of the population while respecting the environment for a citizen vision of the city.

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Démarche participative _FORSTER-PAYSAGE


Compared to conventional processes, managed only by designated professionals, participatory urban planning has undeniable advantages for creating neighborhood developments on a human scale:

  • Identify the needs of citizens, who live in their neighborhood on a daily basis, thanks to their perception of the issues that affect them very different from those of experts, which thus enriches their analytical work and their knowledge in the field.

  • Integrate the observations, concerns and aspirations of residents from the start, and throughout the project to find answers that correspond to the real needs of the community.

  • FORSTER-PAYSAGE open dialogue and productive interaction between users, experts and decision-makers throughout the process, from planning to implementation.


The six-phase process developed by FORSTER-PAYSAGE has proven its effectiveness in transforming living environments with and for users by making the participatory workshop project accessible and understandable for citizens.

1. Start

Definition and understanding of the action plan and the challenges of the project in partnership with local stakeholders: project owner, users, traders ...

3. Decide

Validation, with the various players, of the solutions developed or voted on and enrich them with our expertise by always responding to the needs and challenges.

5. Inaugurate

Setting up of a mobilizing event to highlight the improvements made with the collaboration of users, experts and decision-makers. 

2. Explore

Identification of development possibilities with a workshop * of work and citizen codesign supervised by a team of professionals to deliberate and collect ideas.

4. Take action

Implementation of facilities with our teams of professionals with or without citizen participation (planting workshop) and the creation of a monitoring committee.

6. Follow

Editing of a maintenance booklet to follow the development and the external arrangements put in place, in particular the good growth of the vegetation. 

The rest is in your hands. 

The time has come to invite citizens to define the future of their neighborhood! 


* In times of social distancing, it is also possible to conduct an online survey among different proposals and points of view worked out upstream and presented on plans and explanatory video to find a solution that will please the majority

Example of a participatory approach

for the City of Vevey

In order to improve the quality of urban life by adapting to changes in the climate, the City of Vevey wished to redevelop the Place du Théâtre de L'Oriental with the advice of its users, it invited citizens to define the future of their neighborhood during a citizen participation organized in collaboration with our office. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is therefore with great pleasure that we present the video produced as part of this participatory process: a tailor-made product that we have adapted online to take into account the health situation.

Citizens were able to vote for their favorite concept and indicate their comments and needs to be included during the Project phase.

The coherence and flexibility of the proposed concepts have been studied beforehand by our office to respect the following elements:


 - Urban and landscape integration respecting the built substance and protected elements with a general coherence and a spatial quality of the interfaces between the project and the Oriental Theater and the neighboring end of the world bar. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

- Attractiveness and inclusive nature of the proposed facilities, day and night, in all seasons, with good cohabitation of uses and users. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

- Relevance of the proposals in relation to climate and environmental recommendations

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